I started to get a store throat on Friday night and it seriously escalated quickly by Saturday morning. I could barely talk and had to PAINFULLY swallow every time I needed to say 2 words. I went to a urgent care clinic and they gave me an antibiotic shot, started me on steroids, magic mouthwash and instructions to continue antibiotics. If I couldn’t swallow at all I was to go strait to the ER. She wasn’t optimistic I would avoid the trip. There was probably a 2-3 hour period where I wasn’t swallowing. I was drooling. Miraculously I was able to start drinking again. I thank the steroids saved me.
Anyways, I spent the weekend in bed and my darling husband took over the role of mommy. I saw an ENT on Tuesday and he said there were signs the infections was still there but was healing and I shouldn’t need further treatment. YAY. Everyday I feel a little better. Today Daddy went back to work. Projects and all.
I promise the 365 Weekly layout is coming as well as the Project 52 layout.
What is one to do when they spend so much time in bed? Well, sleep of course…and read a few blogs.
I didn’t read many but I did come across this fun post from Texas Mrs. and thought I’d be an easy peasy post to keep you entertained.
A – Age: 33
B – Birthday: January 15
C – Color: PINK
D – Drink: Mexican Martini or The Ritz Martini
E – Eyes: Green
F – Flashback: big bangs, White Lion and Milli Vanilli
G – Gent: Charlie
H – Hobby: Blogging, Reading and shopping
I – Indulgence: Cheese- on EVERYTHING
J – Job: Stay at home Mommy and homeschool mommy
K – Kiddos: 3 boys
L – Love: Very much in love, yes
M – Music: I’m eclectic in the music department. Alicia Keyes, Alex Clare, AWOLNATION, The band perry, Gavin Degraw, George Strait, Katie Perry…
N – Nation: USA!
O – Overstock: clothes …. I suppose?
P – Pets: Sadie and Sprout … 2 grey kitties
Q – Quote: “Changed, but still the same” – ME (Priscilla Hedlin)
R – Residence: Austin, TX.
S – Siblings: 4 brothers, 4 sisters, 2 step sisters, 1 half brother I’ve never met and 1 step-brother I’ve never met.
T – Temperature: 80 degrees year ’round would make me smile. <— I’m going to leave Texas Mrs. answer, it’s perfection.
U – University: I didn’t finish …. Lamar Universtiy and Coastal Bend College
V – Vehicle: Nissan Quest … YAY, mini van mom… My husband’s Red BMW M3 is way more cool.
W – Want: I have an ever growing list on pinterest.
X – X: X-tremely tired.
Y – Yuck: Salmon, tuna, raspberries, avocado and Liver
Z – Zodiac: Capricorn — but I don’t believe in any of that.
[…] ABCs of Priscilla […]