My oldest son got glasses last week. He’s been making comments here and there about his long distance vision but it really hasn’t been an issue. He’s been complaining about it more and more instead of just mentioning it in passing so we decided to take him in. He was not happy about it. However, he tried on Daddy’s glasses – just to “see” and things were so much clearer he said he didn’t CARE what he looked like. After the appointment we were Sure enough he needed glasses. He picked is frames and he picked them up the next morning. He could not be more content. He’s shocked at what he didn’t know he couldn’t see.
I’m a little biased but I think he looks adorable.
Alrighty, so in November I will plan to blog almost EVERY week day. You can play along too?!

I think he looks great too. His glasses remind me of mine. I had to pretty much get mens’ frames because I wanted the color blue. I happen to be a fan of glasses. With the right frames they can enhance your look so much. 🙂
Jenine´s last blog post ..A History of Soap
I agree! I like mine but only sometimes.
Awww he looks very handsome in his glasses! I need a new pair myself.
dressed2dnines´s last blog post ..Holy Casual Chic!
thank you! I think so too. 😉