If you missed my weekend wrap-up, it’s for good reason. My Saturday and my Sunday were BUSY and need their own posts. You can see Sunday’s post about the Trail of Lights HERE.
Will had a robotics competition on Saturday. Here he is with his his team. They won Strategy Award and impressed the robot judges by clearly explaining how they designed solutions for robot missions. Way to go kids!!
Monday was my 13th Wedding anniversary, but we took Will out for his birthday dinner. We have postponed his party until January but we still wanted to acknowledge it. He was able to take one friend.
On Tuesday my Baby turned 11. I brought lunch and cupcakes to the school and he had his D.A.R.E. Graduation. I was going to just bring him home early like all the other parents but he rode his bike so he chose to just finish out the day. I went ahead and checked Lucas out. It was only 30 minutes an the little stinker was annoyed with me!
Nathan and I just hung out in the library between lunch and the graduation. We were able to read 2 books in the hour we had. He wanted to spend time just strolling around looking at all the books. I love that he loves books!!
Wednesday was our usual busy day. The boys had TKD and Will had Hyper. Wednesdays are such long days.
Nathan And I did have a lovely time outside and he even played in the creek and got all wet. This December weather is crazy, but lovely.
Thursday night Lucas’s entire grade performed their Winter Concert. It was very cute. They sung Christmas and Hanukkah music.
My stepdad also had surgery to try and remove the cancer from his liver. They were able to get most of it but he’s in a lot of pain right now. There still isn’t much they can do about his lungs.

My friend Dawn shared this one on Facebook.
Linking up with Friday Fragments, 5 on Friday and Friday Favorites!
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