Our official school year has come to a close. Our decision to continue homeschooling is ENTIRELY up in the air.
I can’t pretend anymore. I’ve lost all joy I had the first year we homeschooled.
It was wonderful. It was perfect. It was so much fun. We bonded. It was Everything I’d hoped and dreamed it would be and more.
I cry weekly. I dream of a break.
William is very smart and he knows he’s smart.
I keep toying with the idea of just putting them back into the local public school. He will be bored. He will not be challenged. It would be the worst thing I could do as a his mother. It just would to be the best fit. Or would it? I’m so confused and torn.
He’s been on a waitlist at a charter school since the beginning of school year.In January he was called in because there was a spot open in the fourth grade, which is the grade he “should” be in if he was attending public school.
The afternoon I got the the call I felt and enormous weight off my shoulder. I felt relief.
Will was not happy.
They did an evaluation and felt he would better be suited for sixth grade, which would put him 2 grades ahead. However there were no spots for that. In February they had their lottery for the next year. He was not selected and we put him on the waitlist for sixth grade next year which only puts him only one grade ahead.
I believe he is currently number 17 on the waiting list at the charter school. I’m not entirely thrilled by this option because he will be placed with children either one or two grades ahead of him. They will obviously have to test to make again to see if the sixth grade is still a fit.
Now as for Lucas I don’t feel the peace and the obvious decision that I do with Will. He would going into second grade this fall. He’s excelling in math, science and history but struggling with hand writing and reading. If we did put him in public school, we would probably put him into first grade. That makes the most sense anyway because otherwise he would graduate when he was 17.
I guess for now we wait. We see when Will’s spot comes up and we go from there. Maybe I just need a break.
It’s such a tough decision! Good luck!
Amanda´s last blog post ..morgan & justin’s arizona pecan grove wedding
Thank you Amanda. It really is not an easy choice.
That’s hard. My daughter is in a charter school and my son is in a “choice” public school, which means I drive him across town to school every day. They both love their schools. I don’t know how home-schooling moms do it – there’s no way I could manage that and my business at the same time. But I see the value in it – it’s hard when you know what is right for your kid but outside forces, like waitlists, won’t allow that to happen. Hope they get in the schools you want them to. You sound like you are doing a great job with them.
Jennifer Priest´s last blog post ..CardMaker Magazine and Sizzix Blog Hop – Happy Birthday Card with Felt
It’s difficult, but I don’t work other than the blog. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your experience.
My kids will both be 17 when they graduate. I was, too.
My nephew was too so I know it’s doable 🙂
Hats off to those who can homeschool. I couldn’t do it!
It’s not easy .. but it has it strong points.
You are, no doubt, a dedicated teacher. It is more than a full time job if taken seriously. Sandy and I tip our hats to you no matter what you choose. Do remember that if is isn’t right for Mom, it might not be right for the family.
Thank you George. That’s what my husband keeps reminding me.
I am always so impressed by mom’s who homeschool. I couldn’t do it as son is currently taking college course in high school. He is way smarter than me.
becca´s last blog post ..Friday’s Book Club: The New Single: Finding, Fixing, and Falling Back in Love with Yourself After a Break-up or Divorce by Tamsen Fadal #TheNewSingleBook
That’s what our problem is now. He’s 10 and ready for high school .. yIKES.
I say continue with what you are doing. It seems you are more than equipped to teach him at the level he is. Think about it some more … but I would continue with home schooling
Lorane´s last blog post ..Behind the Seams: Nattali Rize
We are not rushing into anything :). We have the entire summer.
We have homeschooled since October and most of them want to go back to school next year. It just wasn’t for all of them!
My son LOVES being home… It’s just me that is getting tired and frustrated.
I admire your progress with your children. I do support your decision.
Thank you Debbie.
I admire anyone who can homeschool I too would have homeschooled but I’m just not cut out for that. My oldest son graduated when he was seventeen and till this day I wish I would have waited another year for him to start kindergarten. he needed that time.
I hear that more and more. I know I need to hold my 7 yo back while I still have time and to definitely do that with boy #3.
You’re doing the best you can like all moms do. Rest assured that he knows that and when he graduates high school this will all be something you guys will reminisce about just like me and my oldest do now. 🙂 Good luck!
jasmine´s last blog post ..Warner Bros & DC Kids Mystery Gift Basket Giveaway!
This is very true. I just don’t want that day to come too quickly – SLOW DOWN! 🙂
I’m sorry to hear you are struggling with home educating right now. I home educate my kids as well and I think it ebbs and flows, like life. You have great years and some that are not so fabulous Keep praying on it
Tiaras & Tantrums´s last blog post ..Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament SummerTime Field Trips #MedievalTimesChi
Yes. There are definitely good days and bad days but when the bad stay far outweighing the good…. You need to make a change, even if temporary. 🙂
So tough – I hope you do get that break you need. I don’t home school but I know there are challenges with any education decisions.
Tamara´s last blog post ..The Most Scared I’ve Ever Been!
Thank you Tamara. You are correct. There will always be challenges. I will just trade one set for another… Hmm. Thank you for THAT reminder. I needed it. (Hug)
So sorry to hear things are struggling for you and I hope they get better soon.
Carol Bryant´s last blog post ..Conference for Pet Lovers Welcomes All: Early Bird Time
I know the weight is heavy for a home-school mama but I believe that God will give you and your husband the wisdom to make the right decision.
Kimberly Bolden´s last blog post ..Faith is For The Birds
I am a teacher and could not homeschool my own kids. More power to you. The right decision will happen for your family.
Laura funk´s last blog post ..Happy Birthday Mom! #Giveaway
The charter school in my town is already full for the next school year. My son is almost 3 and parents are saying they’re working on getting on the list as soon as they can. I hope that everything works out!
Krystal´s last blog post ..Free Fitness Journal + Meal Planning Printables
Best wishes in making your decision. I truly believe everything works out the way it is supposed to.