When I moved into my new house 12 months ago I wasn’t expecting much to change. I was only moving 2 streets after all. Granted it was a different neighborhood, how could my circle really be that different!?
Enter wine club. Enter so many amazing women.

Not every amazing women is pictured. We are missing several.
Now we are becoming a tight group for reasons we surely never expected. We enjoy 10pm glasses of wine and text each other late into night, but that’s not why. That’s not the glue that is holding us together.
The last few weeks have been particularly interesting, as we have put our days on hold to be there, wherever needed, defending each other’s honor. All the while we were being called horrible names, doing our best to take the higher road. A road not easy to stay on.
Now let’s shift gears and talk about something a little less serious. Enter Halloween and the all-important Jell-O shots.
I never knew this was a thing before I moved to this neighborhood. Is it a thing in yours? NO? Well it should be!!
Sue (black widow in the picture above!) decided to make key lime Jell-O shots after a martini she enjoyed in Key West. (Psst. When are you going back and taking me with you?!)
I promised to help with the crust one night after a few (too many) glasses of wine. I held true to that promise. She made about 125. I do NOT have a recipe. We just played with the ratios until we found one we liked and then added unflavored gelatin. It wasn’t rocket science.

Shannon and I are sampling the crust for the key lime pie jell-o shots
Shannon and I helped her make those and later that night Kelly took a break from her research paper and came over for a pumpkin spice latte. Homemade. Not that drive through stuff.
She helped me make my very simple cherry Coke shots. I followed this recipe on pinterest, but used CAKE vodka instead of regular and I put cherries in about half the shots. I put the leftover juice in the jell-o mix.
We only made about 60. It paled in comparison to Sue’s stash.
See my little photo bomber?! Silly boy.
wait what? you didn’t do jello shots in high school????
I don’t think I’ve had one since! haha.
April´s last blog post ..Fitness Friday: Oct 23
Nope. Never. Last year was my very first time.
so this year, at the ripe old age of 49, I had my first ever jello shot on Halloween! Our neighbors take this on as a tradition too, it was fun!
I’m glad you found a great new circle of friends. I haven’t had a jello shot in ages. I always did enjoy them.
Spending time with good friends is the best! Enjoying great food together even better!
Glad you found a new circle of friends and a new tradition. Can’t wait to hear about the jello shots you create for the rest of the holidays.
Lori Felix´s last blog post ..Ordering Pizza Tonight? Get Pizza Coupon Codes and Pizza Deals
I love all of your costumes- it sure looks like an amazing group to hang out with! And that is a seriously huge amount of jello shots! Yum!
Amanda´s last blog post ..Be the Best Mom You Can Be {Review & Giveaway}
Wow, those are a lot of jell-o shots! I’m sure you all had a lot of fun, though, and I love the costumes.
Crystal´s last blog post ..Green Bean Casserole Baked Potato Bowls
Those are some great costumes and looks like you had a great time.
Candi´s last blog post ..Our Family Tradition Spaghetti Recipe
It is always fun to be around such lovely friends. Glad you found those friends and jello shots 🙂