I just wanted to drop off a quick post on Nathan’s strabismus. His eyes crossing seems to finally be at a standstill. It’s almost always constant but is still switching eyes. The left is still dominantly crossing.
We got out of the house yesterday for a lunch at Chick-fil-a and he kept clinching his eyes shut and he cried the first 30 minutes or so. The crossing kept switching back and forth between eyes.
I’m not sure what was going on. He wouldn’t tell me.
If he is suppressing one eye, but alternating suppression, objects will appear to shift. If both eyes are working, he will see double. An optometrist or ophthalmologist should be able to determine this. Sandy and I care and understand both your and Nathan’s frustration.
We’ve already been to the ophthalmologist, George, We go back on Monday. She’s the one that sent us to the ER for the optic nerve swelling. The eyes crossing were the least of her concerns
Yes, indeed. At the time she saw him she had far more pressing issues to investigate. Sandy and I wish you all well. He seems like a genuine trooper! 🙂
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