I was supposed to be in buda at 11 AM on Sunday morning for a baby shower, and I thought it would be a fun idea to let Charlie and the boys tagalong so they could go to Cabela’s.
I would sit and sip mimosas and eat yummy quiche while the glowing mommy-to-be opened one adorable sleeper after the next.
We were about halfway there when the van made a very bizarre jerking motion. Now, keep in mind, I’m super paranoid after the van just completely died on me before our trip to Vegas this past spring. I think it was something with a thingie majig that connected the engine and transmission. I’m not a mechanic so it’s easy to forget the details.
Sadly, every time I’m at a red light I just know it’s going to stop again. It was not a fun day.
Sunday morning while we were sipping delicious coffee, I mentioned to Charlie that I needed gas but by the time we got dressed and the boys out the door, we both completely forgot.
You got it – we ran out of gas 6 miles before our exit and we were 10 miles from a gas station in the other direction. My poor husband was so apologetic and he still keeps apologizing.
The kids complained they were hot. I was about 95° outside. Thankfully it wasn’t the middle of July. That would have really sucked.
In Charlie’s defense van was reading a 1/8 of a tank. Nissan sent a recall notice a while back but they haven’t gotten around to telling their customers how to go about fixing it. We’ve just been advised to not let it fall below quarter of a tank.
I couldn’t get text tag on the phone and Charlie couldn’t get our insurance roadside assistance on the phone but my long time friend April came to our rescue. Thank you so much!!
She said never checks Facebook while driving because, obviously … but something told her she need to check this one. Thankfully she was not fair away and she able to bring gas to us.
I was only an hour late to the shower. I missed the quiche but made it there in time for mimosas and fun little crafts! There was even a most adorable vintage carriage in the window.
The baby shower was breathtakingly beautiful but not as stunning as the money to be! I can’t wait to meet her sweet baby girl and to see how elegantly you handle motherhood. I’m sure it will put most of us to shame!
If you not familiar with Jenni, she is the talent behind J.Noel Photography. We originally met when she was still blogging. Oh, how I miss her posts. She is amazing and did our family’s photos in 2013.

Thank you to Jenni and her shower photographer for this picture!
Yay for good friends! And you still looked beautiful despite sitting roadside.
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Friday Fragments #14
Yes and thank you :D.
haha….the kids talked about our ‘gas adventure’ all day to my parents! So glad we were still in the area to help!
Thank you OVER and OVER again!
Thank God you didn’t miss the mimosas! And for friends who listen to that Still, Small Voice. 😉 You looked beautiful!
I know, missing the mimosas would have been REALLY bad, right!?
My husband and sons can get lost at Cabala’s for hours!
Ha. Yeah. That was a minor aspect of the day though. We didn’t stay long when I ended up having to go to.
Thank goodness for good friends… and Facebook lol! Love all the baby shower decor. How pretty 🙂 Glad you made it there safe.
Yes!! I didn’t have her new number so FB was the only way to reach her!
What an inspiring story! I’m so glad your friend was so close! And what a fun baby shower!
Lisa Nolan´s last blog post ..Meet Kim Weston Schenkelberg of It’s Really 10 Months
Thank Lisa!
that , literally, is one of my worst fears! to be stuck on the tollway with no one in sight to help! People drive like maniacs around here, I would be petrified to gt out of my suv!! gotta love friends with good aura!
tiaras and tantrums´s last blog post ..Let’s Talk About Universal Studios Orlando & Family Forward
What a great story and a great photo of the two of you. Your dresses are fantastic!
Censie´s last blog post ..LeapFrog Word Whammer – Building Letter Skills
You definitely don’t look like you just survived a crazy ordeal! I’m so sorry that happened to you! I ran out of gas once and it was horrible. Way before i had kids, but goodness, I never want that to happen again!
You look beautiful and I love your haircut!
Jennifer aka Baby Making Mama´s last blog post ..One Reason to Want One More: Tips for Photographing Your Newborn
” think it was something with a thingie majig that connected the engine and transmission. I’m not a mechanic so it’s easy to forget the details.” This made me laugh out loud! I ran out of gas once. It was an awful day trying to get a few gallons from a nearby gas station! I agree with others; for someone in a stressful moment, you look great.
Rachee´s last blog post ..September Fitness Roundup #fitfluential