I need to work on better story-telling for our “Every day ordinary” but that’s not always easy. My goal with this blog always has been, and always will be just that. Telling my story. It won’t always be interesting or exciting and I won’t always be able to record it in a fun way. But I’m getting it down. That’s something I’ve SADLY let slide for fear it wasn’t worthy of retelling.
Friday Afternoon:
We meet one of Lucas’s classmates at the park until the temperature dropped. Everyone kept running around so fast I barely got any pictures. Will even seemed to enjoy himself for a short period of time. YAY for fresh air. My boys REALLY need to get fresh air more often than they do.
Daddy worked on the riding lawn mower our neighbor gave us for free and we had a few errands to run before a party at Chuck-e-cheese.
I also made cinnamon shot glasses to go with the others. I’ll post about them soon. I know I keep teasing. SORRY!!! These are really a fun project.
We also watched our friend’s boys. Everyone assembled personal pizzas and when I took the shot glasses over to the party, I heard about a special visitor, so Charlie brought all 5 boys over for the special appearance. After pictures, hot chocolate and way too much sugar we came back home and finished The Grinch.
Our morning was completely free, so we just “chillaxed” as Lucas likes to call it and had an easy and CHEAP lunch at home. We had another party in the evening but the boys were way over due for haircuts. We did that first. The lines were extremely long, but they waited very patiently in the lobby. Nathan very proudly announced his farts. Everyone was rather amused….
It sounds like a nice weekend. Life isn’t always thrilling, but being with family is quite nice, actually. To newbies in the wheeling game, you showed what a typical weekend can be and how fulfilling life is.