We headed to Dell Children’s last Friday, full of hope for a successful surgery and we had our one week follow-up today. It would seem all is well, so far.
Nathan’s eyes appear straight and the redness is going down. We don’t have any swelling and no signs of infection.
The picture below is our official “before” shot. You can really see how much his left eye crossed.
The Surgery
We got to the hospital and everything was fine until we told him we had to put drops in his eyes. Three times. Three different drops. FIVE minutes apart.
If you could have seen the look Charlie and I exchanged. …
They finally took him back around 10:45, Kicking and screaming.
When we got there he was happy and eager; the three rounds of three eyedrops really upset him.
Our nurses were fabulous. Blythe and Pam (& there were 2 others whose names I did not get??) worked amazing magic and got them in so mommy and daddy wouldn’t be the bad guys holding him down.
He refused to put his gown on and was just really worked up. Our awesome anesthesiologist gave him something to help calm him/make him forget.
Watching them carry my very upset boy away in their arms was tough. I was hoping he would go willingly.
He came out of surgery around 11:50 but not awake just yet.
All went well.
Vision is great.
He won’t need glasses.
We finally headed home around 1:15.
This was taken the night after his surgery. You can see how red and bloody the eyes are. This is perfectly normal, of course.
Today his eyes are much better, it looks more like pink eye than anything else.
A little girl actually freaked out at him thinking he had pink eye.
Yea, that was fun.
A week later and I would say the surgery was a success.
Only time will tell. After all, it’s a brain thing and they didn’t do brain surgery, just eye muscle surgery.
My name is Charles from Ghana, and am suffering from the same condition. Please help me. It has affected my life and my confidence greatly. Please help me