I am participating in a “love me” challenge again this year. I will share self-portraits inspired by a prompt, that may or may not make sense once I actually share the picture… I’ve never actually completed one of these. I usually get halfway through and quit.
I Intend to be very real, very raw and very personal so if that’s more than you want to see, you can ignore Tuesdays. Anyways here goes nothing.
Week 1: In My Element
Week 1 isn’t off to a very good start. I’ve lost my groove. This parenting and marriage thing is tough. Finding balance and knowing what is best, isn’t easy. We have to make some serious changes this year. Change is going to be good or it is going to be terrible, but I know for certain things cannot stay the same.
Week 2:Define Yourself
This week’s prompt was “define yourself”. Some of the other participants held up a piece of paper or wrote on their hands; others shared a one word tattoo and other did something similar to what I did. Clearly this is not EVERYTHING that I am but what I was feeling when I created the piece.
How would you DEFINE yourself!?
Week 3: Reflection
Week 4: group photo
This was a really fun shot. The Boys and I were outside finishing up our lessons and we took alittle break for a game of darts. It was the perfect opportunity for a group photo!!
I am right there with you. Our roles are hard. And balancing them all can be exhausting. My heart hears you, things can’t stay the same and change be it terrifying or terrific is the only way to move forward!
Love you girl!
Change is tough but necessary. I am here to hold your hand through any changes. I know you shall emerge even more amazing!
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday #154 — Good Things Are Going to Happen
This sounds like a great challenge. Change can be rough, but a lot of times it is for the best.
I’m sorry to hear you lost your groove. It happens to the best of us for sure. I hope you find the light at the end of the tunnel and are able to get your groove back soon.
~hugs~ I hear ya. I’m right there….hence the break from my own blog 🙁 I can’t keep up with even my ‘overextended’ status.
April´s last blog post ..Fitness Friday: Oct 23
Change is always a good thing and I plan on having a great 2016. I wish you the best this year.
Tiffany Cruz´s last blog post ..Super Mario Marker is the best game ever created
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been out of sorts. Change is hard but sometimes you have to close your eyes and hope it works out in the end
Life and marriage are like a roller coaster – there are times that are up and times that things are down. The most important thing is that you realize this and work through it. I am sure you will find a way to work through the difficult times.
I’m really bad about stopping less than half way through on challenges myself! I’m sorry you had a tough week, but good for you for recognizing it and deciding to make some changes!