This post is sponsored by Stonyfield and prAna.
My oldest son is 12 1/2 years old, and I’ve always been a stay at home mom. I’m truly grateful my Family can do this comfortably.
In fact, it’s a dream come true. When someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said I wanted to be a mom.
Yes, it’s rewarding being able to focus on just being a mom but it’s easy to get lost in only being a mom and not being the whole you. Through the years I have found a few guilty pleasures so I don’t lose me, Priscilla.
1. Clothes
I’m proud to admit I’m a girly girl and I love shopping. Growing up, we were poor and I had a lot of hand me downs. I remember being teased for wearing cheap clothes.
As an adult I do my best to balance quality and quantity with a mix of new and thrifted pieces.
One of my absolute favorite brands to work with is Parma . They offer sustainable fabrics in a wide range of pieces. I love their jeans and this dress might be my favorite piece of the season.
Oh, and I was pleasantly surprised to find it has a built in breathable sports bra. This will be amazing when the Texas temps hit triple digits.
2. Quick, healthy snacks (Stonyfield Whole Milk yogurt)
I don’t always take the time to sit and eat a full meal during the day. Often times it’s a spoonful of peanut butter here or a banana there.
I usually skip breakfast and only have coffee. I know this isn’t a healthy practice but I just don’t take enough time to nourish my body. When I do, it’s Stonyfield’s organic whole milk yogurt. This is hands down, a household favorite.
It’s filling and being non GMO, and it’s oh, so good for us.
3. Media
I like to sneak in great books, fun games and trashy sitcoms when possible. My Current favorites are Britney King, candy crush and Grace and Frankie.
Folding laundry goes much more quickly when you’re watching TV, instead of staring at the walls.
4. GNO
I can’t stress enough how important it is to get away with your girl friends. I’ve become really good friends with my next door neighbor and 1-2 times a week we hang out with a glass of wine on the patio or while cooking dinner. Girl talk is good for the soul.
The absolute best way to keep finding yourself is to continue dating your spouse.
My husband spends his days lost in Codebodia and often times I feel like I’m stuck in Groundhog Day.
Cook. Clean. Repeat.
Reconnecting with the person you promised to love and annoy for all eternity isn’t always easy when work is staring you in the face.
Something as simple as an ice cream date is enough to just focus on each other, but don’t forget to take weekend getaways!
prAna is offering The Wheelchair Mommy readers 15% off their orders. Visit prAna online and enter the code WHOLES17TWM at checkout!
We need more date nights! We always say we need more but never follow through. I should just book a babysitter at least once a month for the rest of the year to have it on the books! I love your dress! The color is so pretty.
I’m so lazy when it comes to clothes, I 100% order everything online. I feel like I’m still learning what works well with a wheelchair after already spending time working out what doesn’t work with specific injuries and problems. But I do love my clothes and spend far too much money working on them.
I’m totally envious of your boots, the zipper broke on mine and for that replacement I’ll have to hit the shops for, but with one leg way thinner than the other and swelling from one of my drugs it could be interesting. It will also be only my 2nd pair of footwear that I will never stand in after having indulged in pink suede ankle boots that really ought to have me dropping the foot rest of my chair.
Good reminder to have date nights especially when we are child free most of the year, I’m on a mission now to set something up for May.
I agree with every item on this list. You look beautiful in the dress, btw. It is important to celebrate these things and you don’t even have to feel guilty!
Yes, I couldn’t agree more! This is all too relatable; I have many clients who are also parents that experience feelings of guilt when they decide go out on date nights with their friends or partner. I’m so happy to see that you’re promoting parents to celebrate their pleasures! 🙂
Nice article. I think it is useful and unique article. I really love this kind of article and this kind of blog. I liked it and enjoyed reading it. Keep sharing such important posts.
Lightweight Foldable Wheelchair
Hey, very nice article. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
Ultra Lightweight Wheelchairs
Amazing post! Motivational and Inspiring, I love the way you explain your experience.