When I was growing up my mom always talked about time flying so much faster as you get older, and I never believed her.
My baby turns 6 today and i definitely get it. My oldest turned 6 more than 6 years ago and Lucas was 6, 3 years ago. How is it possible that my last baby is six?
We are definitely entering a new chapter in our lives, as we no longer have really little kids. Most of me loves it but part of me isn’t so sure.
So much has happened in the last year. We had his strabismus surgery and everything went amazingly well. We even started Kindergarten. He was very unwilling to sit still and listen, so I think we will be doing Kinder again. We are undecided as to whether or not he will go to public school or stay home this fall.
Nathan currently loves pink, sometimes wears dresses and has grown his hair out. He wants to be just like mommy, and that’s okay.
He loves video games and legos. He is still a very busy boy and fights with his brothers all the time. I guess that’s par for the course, correct?!
This is 6
This is 5
This is 4
This is 3
This is 2
This is 1
This is a newborn
This is beautiful! I love getting to see children grow up and see what they are becoming! It is so fun and I am sure very tough, but to see a child’s growth is truly a blessing.