My mom died very suddenly on February 24th. We found out she had leukemia on February 21st. Things happened so fast and I was home healing from surgery. I spoke to her on Sunday the 18th. She wasn’t feeling great but she seemed mostly okay. That was the last time I said Hello, I love you and Goodbye. I was planning on calling her that Wednesday but my niece beat me to it, saying she was shaking and hadn’t been eating or drinking. I’m not sure when things changed. Now, I’m forever changed and I don’t know what to do. My heart physically aches and some moments I feel like I’m suffocating. I need our phone calls. I need to talk to her.
Hey Mom, it’s me.
How are you?
Oh I’m fine. Just bored. Mostly stuck in bed still. Things are healing so much slower than we expected. They ran a culture but haven’t called back so I guess there’s not an infection. I kind of wish there was. Things always seem to heal so much faster when I go on antibiotics.
Oh, Will’s fine. Still a little tired. The Poor kid missed six days of school so he had so much catching up to do. You know how the body is when you’re sick with that kind a fever for so long.
Lucas and Nathan are fine. I think everyone’s just ready for spring break.
Oh. Speaking of spring break. Charlie finally made a decision about switching jobs. His first day is the first day of spring break. The boys don’t mind though. They just want to stay home and rest.
Yes. The pay is good.
No. It’s not closer. It’s actually downtown Austin. His hours should be flexible so he’s hoping to avoid traffic.
Yes. He’s very excited.
I think he was there about 15 years? You were close. Oh Yeah!! I think we may have been at your house when he got the offer. That’s funny. I forgot about that until just now.
The last week has really taken its toll on everyone. Emotionally and physically. Nothing like how you felt, of course. Getting into a new normal will take time. We will be okay. Eventually.
Yes. Of course. I’ll tell the boys and Charlie you love them. You know they love you, too.
I miss you and love you too. Get some rest. I’ll call you in a few days.
So sorry for your loss, Priscilla. My condolences to you and your family.
Your story made me so sad. Really feeling sorry for your loss.
I hope you are doing OK now. Happy Holidays.
Dirk Tiu´s last blog post ..Achieving Proper Balance for the Elderly